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What are the main types of PPE for the workplace?

Make sure you choose the correct PPE for the job at hand


When in the workplace, you can be subject to various hazards and exposed to injury therefore it’s essential you have the correct personal protective equipment for the job.

However, this is sometimes not as easy as it seems. Businesses need the knowledge to carry out the right level of safety assessment in order to equip their workers for the task.

To help identify the various types of PPE, at Mstore we have pulled together a quick user guide below to categorise and explain the different elements of safety equipment.…

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Best safety eyewear to prevent steaming


With masks now mandatory in public places and at most workplaces, for spectacle wearers, it can be tricky pairing up your face covering with your glasses without them constantly fogging.

There is no getting away from the recommended use of face masks, coverings, or respirators in any environment – it’s essential, however, it can be frustrating when wearing glasses, whether that be prescription or safety eyewear for the workforce. Spectacles are prone to fogging and steaming up when wearing your mask, affecting your sight, causing blurred vision.…

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The best eyewear technology to stay safe in the workplace

Find the best eyewear for the job at hand!


Workplace injuries can be painful for both the victim and the employer – financially. That’s if the employer doesn’t supply the certified, necessary equipment to keep employees safe and protected from harm.

All businesses have a standard duty of care to protect their staff and providing standard PPE for certain industries is mandatory.

Many are exposed to life-changing eye hazards in the workplace and so ensuring workers are properly protected is crucial – yet can easily be overlooked.

Eye injuries, whilst not the most common workplace injury, can prove to be catastrophic for the victim.…

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How to choose the best ear defenders for hearing protection

Choosing the right ear defenders for DIY and work.

Alpha Solway Sota L1 Ear Defenders

When working in a loud environment, you may find that your hearing can suffer serious consequences if you don’t use the correct ear protection. Noise pollution can lead to many hearing detriments such as tinnitus, temporary hearing loss, acoustic trauma or even complete hearing loss. That’s why it’s imperative you consider the right hearing protection for your industry and task.

Hearing problems occur when the microscopic hair cells found inside the ear are damaged by noise levels. If enough of them are damaged, it can result in hearing loss.…

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Best hand protection to stay Covid-19 safe

As the pandemic rumbles on, we still need to take all necessary precautions to keep ourselves and our family safe.

Mstore hand protection glove image

Of course, masks and face coverings have become mandatory in public spaces – especially when out for those essential errands in supermarkets and shops, however, you also need to ensure all areas which are at risk of transmission are covered – this also includes your hands.

Safety gloves can serve as a layer of protection against any bacteria on surfaces, which you may come into contact with whilst out and about. WHO have stated that infected respiratory droplets can result in transmission, these may be found on any surface and could be picked up and transferred when touching your face.…

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How to pick the perfect protective face covering or safety mask

Buying a mask or a face covering in 2021 can be a minefield


Only a year ago, we would never have imagined that masks and PPE would become part of our everyday lives. So, how do we go about selecting the correct PPE?

With respiratory protection being compulsory in all public places now to provide an effective barrier from viruses, there’s never been a better time to brush up on how to use them safely and what provides the perfect fit for you.

No matter what your lifestyle, we have created a shortlist of the top three protective yet stylish masks and coverings for your face.…

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The best DIY safety equipment to protect you at home

Here are our PPE tips for the home.

Decorating PPE

Over lockdown, doing a bit of DIY or upcycling has been a lifeline to some to prevent boredom. Hours of labour-intensive work can result in a masterpiece, passing the time in an extremely satisfying manner.

Whether it’s “you time” that you’re craving, or a bit of a bonding session with your partner or housemate, decorating your home can be one of the most rewarding hobbies.

However, when it comes to DIY projects, we need to be careful to pay close attention to safety as there can be some dangerous tasks at hand.…

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The best safety eyewear for outdoor exercise

Make sure you get the best protection


Stepping outside for some much-needed exercise this winter has never been more important with heightened restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the British winter weather can not only prove to be a challenge for motivating yourself to workout outdoors but also in finding adequate eyewear for the seasonal elements.

The drop in temperature can cause problems with vision with a change in atmosphere and lack of natural light. Eye injuries can occur in most sporting environments where there is a risk of hazards and it’s imperative that we pay close attention to them, especially at this time of year.…