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Best hand protection to stay Covid-19 safe

As the pandemic rumbles on, we still need to take all necessary precautions to keep ourselves and our family safe.

Mstore hand protection glove image

Of course, masks and face coverings have become mandatory in public spaces – especially when out for those essential errands in supermarkets and shops, however, you also need to ensure all areas which are at risk of transmission are covered – this also includes your hands.

Safety gloves can serve as a layer of protection against any bacteria on surfaces, which you may come into contact with whilst out and about. WHO have stated that infected respiratory droplets can result in transmission, these may be found on any surface and could be picked up and transferred when touching your face.

To help reduce this risk, there are a variety of top-quality hand protection products on the market which you could use when cleaning, shopping, getting petrol or any outdoor interaction.

It may not completely stop the spread, however, the more you can follow best practice and lower the rate of transmission until the majority of people are vaccinated, the better. This goes hand in hand with other hygiene habits such as hand washing and regular surface cleaning. Not only this, but also anything you may touch, even with your gloves on, could be transferred to any personal items such as keys and your mobile phone, so ensure these are wiped down frequently.

We’ve refined the market to provide you with three of the best gloves for safety which you can use out and about to help keep you and others protected.

  1. Skytec® Aria™ 360 

Part of a sustainable range of products, the Skytec® Aria™ 360  have been treated with antimicrobial and antiviral sanitized technology to protect the gloves and the user for total peace of mind. Designed for integrated hygiene, the permanent treatment maintains the safety and hygiene of the gloves by eliminating or reducing the presence and growth of microbes and viruses, such as coronavirus. Plus, reducing stain formation and unpleasant odours for long-lasting freshness.

Engineered with renewably sourced Genium™ yarn technology, the reusable gloves also contain over 30% renewably sourced ingredients, plus the production requires 40% less energy and reduces CO2 emissions by 60%.

  1. Skytec Iris

This high-performing, single-use safety glove is significantly a stronger alternative to a rival latex product, meaning they certainly won’t tear easily. The latex and powder-free disposable glove help to eliminate contamination with food handling and resistant to oils, acids and some chemicals.

The textured fingertips will also maintain breathability, keeping your hands comfortable with a ‘second skin’ feel.

  1. Showa 7500PF

If you’re looking for a more environmentally friendly disposable glove, then the Showa 7500PF is 100% biodegradable whilst maintaining comfort and dexterity for the user.

Engineered with Eco Best Technology, the glove decomposes in biologically active landfills within 1-5 years. The protective glove design is non-sterile, silicone and latex-free, making it soft on hands.