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Get Ready for Autumn DIY Jobs

Are you ready for Autumn DIY?

Autumn DIY Jobs

As the seasons change, it’s important to ensure you’re on top of all those essential household tasks, maintenance and DIY. Autumn is the perfect time to prepare your house for the colder months and finish off any tasks that may become trickier once temperatures drop and certain tasks become impossible.

 As well as ensuring all the work is done, it’s also vital to ensure you have the right PPE for DIY at any time of the year. Let’s look at some of those essential autumn jobs and the safety precautions you should take.

Deep Cleaning Ready for Winter

Giving your home a real deep clean before the cold sets in helps ensure it is completely ready and fresh. It’s a good time to check that your boiler is working well and also get to grips with the deep clean in the bathroom and kitchen. High-quality chemical gloves can help ensure your hands are protected during hazardous tasks such as oven cleaning, where you will need to use strong chemicals to do the job thoroughly.

Furthermore, any household cleaning should be done using disposable or single-use gloves to ensure you’re protecting your hands against contaminants as you clean.

Gutter Maintenance

Clearing out the gutters of any debris or waste is essential to avoid clogs and frozen debris causing more of a problem. Clearing your own gutters is possible, but you may want to consider getting professionals involved to avoid any risk of accident or injury.

Preparing the Garden for Winter

Even the most green-fingered of us can’t do much during the winter, so autumn is the time to deal with any final garden jobs and tasks. From cleaning and putting away garden furniture to winterising and dead-heading plants, autumn is the time to do. To ensure comfort and make the task as easy as possible, wearing cold protection gloves is a great idea. These gloves will help ensure your hands stay warm, yet you still have the dexterity necessary to carry out any garden tasks.

Refresh your Décor

Autumn’s cool temperature makes it a better time for painting and decorating than the height of summer. Lower humidity means the paint is able to settle better and ensures a much-improved finish. Painting indoors requires all windows and as much ventilation as you can manage but wearing a respirator mask adds another layer of protection and peace of mind as you paint.